About me

I’m Håvard Brynjulfsen, a front-end designer from Bergen, Norway.

Starting as a designer I’ve gradually been moving toward becoming a front-end developer (even though I've dabbled with code for over 15 years), with a main focus on the stuff that makes thing look the way they should: HTML and CSS.

I'm a huge fan of minimalism, mainly because I strongly believe in “form follows function”, but also because I think that the simpler a website is, the easier it is for both content creators and developers to make it as user friendly as possible.

I currently push pixels at Knowit Experience.

Frequently asked questions

People often ask me the following questions:

Do you hate colors?

Oh, you've noticed that I often create stuff in white/black/grayscale? Well, that's mostly because I suck at color theory. I just can't for the life of me figure out which colors work together. It's also because I like the simplicity of it.

What's up with the triangle at the top? Looks like Vercel's logo...

I didn't even connect the two until after this site deployed... on Vercel... Well, what can I say? Triangles are cool. It's the same shape as mountains, pyramids and the Triforce. It stays for now anyways.

You say you love CSS, but what are your thoughts on Tailwind?

Generally I'm a fan of creating as much as possible with as few dependencies as possible. When it comes to Tailwind it hasn't, for now, offered anything that would improve my workflow or helped fix the scalability issues my projects have faced.

Tailwind is CSS, and I don't really see the problems it's trying to fix. If people like it they're allowed to like it, but as with all frameworks I hope that people don't forget about the native stuff. I don't want fundamental things like accessibility or compability to suffer.

I've seen too many divs being used as buttons or anchors in JS frameworks like React or Next to stay calmed about the latter.

What's with you giving yourself the title "front-end designer"?

I'm no fullstack developer, nor do I like to call my self a front-end developer. Why? The problem with labels is that people have their own connotations, and peoples expectations of front-end developers have changed in the last couple of years. For me the term has always meant that you work in the front of the stack, with markup and styling, but for a lot of people nowadays it also means that you work further back in the stack, with JS architecture, APIs and query languages, unit testing and data handling.

This all stems from how people view front-end frameworks like React, Vue or Svelte. In these frameworks the lines between what earlier was considered to be back-end and front-end have become somewhat blurred.

For me the term "front-end designer" hopefully makes people percieve me the right way, as a designer that codes.

If you're still confused you can read more it in an article written by Brad Frost that perfectly sums up my views on the subject.